Business Solutions

Loulis Mills

The Project

Loulis Mills holds a leading position in the Greek flour milling industry since 1782, ranking first in milling and sales. The company operates three proprietary distribution centers and product outlets every 200 km. Its two state-of-the-art industrial units in Sourpi and Keratsini ensure the highest quality of products, meeting the most stringent standards.

Specifically, the unit in Sourpi, Magnesia, which includes 7 production lines, a chemistry lab, an experimental bakery, and a privately-owned ship loading/unloading port, was inaugurated in March 2003 and represents a flagship investment of $60 million.

KAFKAS’ contribution

The primary goal of the project was the energy upgrade of the internal spaces, including offices, the chemistry lab, warehouses, production areas, and parking. For this project, the lighting team at KAFKAS proposed a solution after performing photometric measurements, lighting studies, and technical-economic analyses for all areas, with the aim of selecting the appropriate products for each space.

Through creative solutions and the selection of reliable lighting products for both interior and exterior spaces, energy consumption was reduced by 60%, saving 310,000 kWh annually. At the same time, high lighting quality performance was ensured in both the interior and exterior areas of the factory.