Business Solutions

Bayer Hellas

The Project

The design of the new Bayer Hellas offices appears to be inspired by the post-Covid era and the residential environment. The HUB Lighting & Innovation by Kafkas team supported the design of offices for a dynamic environment that seems to draw from the need for extroversion and social interaction. The offices gradually merge with the residential environment, creating a friendly atmosphere in an open-plan flexible layout. This enhances mobility, interaction, comfort, and employee well-being.

The new Bayer Hellas offices were created with this concept in mind, and both architectural and decorative lighting worked together towards this goal.

Kafkas’ Contribution

The architectural lighting is fully integrated into the building’s structure, following its general layout. The linearity of the lighting at key points enhances the dynamic feel of the space. At the same time, it meets the technical specifications required for office spaces, contributing to the visual comfort of the users and achieving a seamless lighting effect. Overall, the lighting was designed in a way that adapts to the space’s needs as well as the individualized needs of its users.

The decorative lighting complements and enhances the general lighting. Its placement aims to strengthen the relaxed and homely atmosphere, while the selection of fixtures aligns with the space’s color palette, materials, and textures.

Undoubtedly, the new Bayer Hellas offices set a standard for modern office spaces and serve as a springboard for radical changes in other work environments.