Kafkas Institute of Training & Development

Knowledge is power

Professional Training and Seminars by KAFKAS

At KAFKAS, we are proud for the success story of Kafkas Institute of Training & Development.

It has 10 fully equipped training rooms throughout Greece and Cyprus and offers training seminars, knowledge from renowned facilitators, to both KAFKASians and our clients.

The Kafkas Institute of Training & Development, as a meeting point for professionals in the sector, organizes every year new and innovative seminars of professional training and specialization in cutting-edge scientific fields, which are divided into 4 thematic modules:

  1. Technology & Products
  2. Management & Business
  3. Standards & Certifications
  4. Studies & Applications

In its 12 years of operation, Kafkas Institute of Training & Development has conducted more than 4,300 training hours with over 7,500 participants in face-to-face trainings and more than 140 hours with over 4,400 participants in online trainings.

The Kafkas Institute of Training & Development, has training rooms, fully equipped with modern logistical means and the necessary training tools (e.g. benches, operational equipment), where renowned cooperating facilitators offer a rich range of specialized training programs.

Find Schedule of Seminars here.

KAFKAS Institute of Training & Development